Movie Information :
Title : Naruto Shippuden Movie 5 Blood Prison
Date Released : 2011
Movie Quality : DVDRip
Starring : Mie Sonozaki, Junko Takeuchi and Masaki Terasoma
Genre : Animation | Comedy | Family
Format : MKV
Size : 600MB
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Subtitle : Indo Hardsub
After being falsely accused of attempting to assassinate !important the leader of Kumogakure, the Raikage, and killing j?nin from Kirigakure and Iwagakure, Naruto is imprisoned in H?zukij?, a criminal containment !important also known as the Blood Prison. The master of the castle, Mui, uses !important the ultimate imprisonment jutsu to steal power from the prisoners. In this place, something is aiming for Naruto’s life. !important The battle to prove his innocence and uncover the truth has begun for Naruto and his friends..”
gan subtitle english ga ada gmn nih gan
BalasHapuslinknya mati nich..., upload lagi donk
BalasHapusagan linknya kok mati?
BalasHapusgan upload lagi donk narutonya pleaseeee.....